Become a Member
Please select your membership type:
Membership Benefits
Membership Entitlements:
- Participate in monthly local activities
- Participate in local and national mini-camps
- Membership rates for local mini-camps
- Participate on the Adult Board
- Participate in the Junior Branch (ages 11 to 25)
- Apply for a leadership position
- Apply for International programs
- Receive the CISV Calgary E-News
The chapter is run by volunteers who make up the Adult Board and the Junior Branch, both of which hold monthly meetings and activities.
Members’ Obligations
Family Obligation
CISV Calgary counts on the involvement of parents for successful local, national, and international programs. This can include one or more of the following:
- understanding the goals and philosophy of CISV
- promoting awareness of CISV in the community
- becoming a member of the Adult Board or committees
- hosting delegation meetings
- providing homestays of one or two nights for international delegates
- submitting required paperwork by the deadlines
- supporting fundraising initiatives