Notice of Annual General Meeting
The Board of Directors of Calgary Children’s International Summer Villages Association (“CISV” or “CISV Calgary”), registered charity 889098935RR0001, gives notice that CISV’s Annual General Meeting will be held at 10:30am on Sunday, October 23rd, 2016, at Kamp Kiwanis, for the following purposes:
- To receive and consider the financial statements of CISV Calgary for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015.
- To receive and consider the report to the Members.
- To approve the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting.
- To elect, and re-elect, CISV Calgary’s Board of Directors.
- To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting.
Members and non-members are invited to attend the 2016 Annual General Meeting, but only current CISV Calgary Members are entitled to vote.
Election of Directors
The Board of Directors has put forward the following individuals for election for the 2016/2017 activity year:
Carey Patterson / Co-Chair
Daniel Edelshaim / Co-Chair
Laura Linnell / Past Chair
Trevor Lee / Treasurer
Daniel Edelshaim / Secretary
Steve Patterson / Risk Manager
Jill Nuckles / International Programs, Local Peace Bus Coordinator
Bob McCullagh / Local Programs Coordinator
Laura Linnell / Junior Branch Liaioson
Liane Erickson / Local Interchange Coordinator
Naomi Groll / Mini Camp Coordinator
Michelle Dickie / E-News Coordinator
Voting at the Annual General Meeting:
If you are able to attend the Annual General Meeting, and you have a current CISV Calgary membership covering the 2016/17 activity year, you may cast your vote at the Annual General Meeting. Membership may be renewed online.
September 23, 2016
Carey Patterson, Co-Chair
Daniel Edelshaim, Co-Chair